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BEAR2024 Biological Effects &
Applications of Radiation Application for participation

Up Date :2023.12.18



2024/03/15 (金)

2024/03/17 (日)

Multi-Purpose Digital Hall (West Bldg. 9, Floor 2),
Ookayama Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Please refer to the main text for details.


【 Application for participation 】

First, to apply for participation, please click the ‘Register Now’ button on the right side of the screen.
Once we receive your application, we will contact you to arrange the payment of the participation fee.

BEAR2024 Official Website

【Participation Fee】

For Bank Transfer (Transfer fees are to be borne by the sender): 12,000 yen for regular registration, 5,000 yen for student registration (excluding transaction fee).
For Credit Card Payment (A card fee will be added, resulting in the following amounts): 12,500 yen for regular registration, 5,200 yen for student registration (including transaction fee).

【 Biological Effects & Application of Radiation 】

The aim of this meeting is to discuss the biological effects of radiation related to its application.
As medical use of radiation is expanding globally, the scientific research to clarify the biological effects of low-dose and low-dose-rate exposure is essential not only for optimization of the current procedures but also for future development of new technology.
We also emphasize the importance of scientific, evidence-based discussions among the participants of various expertise.
Background of the Meeting
Industry and academia in Japan have been cooperating and collaborating with the University-Industry Cooperative Research Committees, “195th Committee on Utilization and Biological Effects of Radiation” of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The meeting will be held to present the results of the activities of this committee, which is one of the outcomes of the committee’s activities.
This meeting is one of the outcomes of the activities of this committee and is being held in the spirit of the International Workshop on the Biological Effects of Radiation (BER2018) held in Osaka in 2018 and The Osaka Call-for-Action declared at that time.
Multi-Purpose Digital Hall (West Bldg. 9, Floor 2),
Ookayama Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan
Presentation style
Oral presentation for invitees,
Poster presentation for applicants.

【Program & Abstracts】

Day 1: March 15, 2024
12:00 Registration & Poster Mounting
13:00- Opening Session
Part I: Biological Effects of Radiation
13:30- Session 1: Biological Effects of Low-Dose/Low-Dose-Rate radiation – Study on Animals and Humans
15:50- Session 2: Mutagenesis by Low Dose/Low Dose Rate Radiation – Study at Molecular Level
19:00- Welcome Reception
Day 2: March 16, 2024
Part I: Biological Effects of Radiation (Continued)
9:00- Session 3: Genetic Effects of Chemical Mutagen and Ultraviolet
11:30- Session 4: Future and Beyond of Radiation Research
Part II: Medical Application of Radiation
14:00- Session 5: Justification and Optimization in Medical Use of Radiation
16:30- Topics
17:30- Poster presentations
Day 3: March 17, 2024
Part II: Medical Application of Radiation (Continued)
9:00- Session 6: Advanced Medical Application of Radiation
12:00- Session 7: Radiation Medicine and Society – From Production to Disposal
14:00- Closing
-14:30 Poster Unmounting

2024/03/15 (金)

2024/03/17 (日)

Multi-Purpose Digital Hall (West Bldg. 9, Floor 2),
Ookayama Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Please refer to the main text for details.
